The Best Minimalist Gift List EVER!

Hello my lovely people!

I know I have been gone for a while now, and if you read my last blog post I am sure you can understand the importance of taking time to myself. Focusing on myself, bettering myself, and enjoying life. Major things have been happening, and I feel it is only right to get back to you all. Do not fear, I am stronger than yesterday and beginning to feel like my old self again!

So, while I have been gone I have been practicing minimalism. It is truly a journey and does not happen over night! Baby steps! I may write some posts about what I have done and my journey. With the holidays here upon us I figured it would be beneficial to give you a list of the best minimalist gifts. Even if you do not practice a minimalist lifestyle it can never hurt to give these gifts to others!

1. Experiences


Head on over to Groupon either online or on app and see what experiences are available! The possibilities are endless: movie tickets, manicure, massages, zip line, distillery tours, etc. I recently completed my TESOL certification, I weighed the many options and used a coupon I located on Groupon to get my certification at a cheaper rate! I could not be happier!

2. Gift Cards

gift card

These are helpful for people who are picky and hard to buy for! I personally love receiving gift cards to restaurants or my local grocery store! I am able to get things I need and save some money.

3. Genetic Testing


If you know they have not done any genetic testing and you have the funds, genetic testing is a cool gift! There are organizations like 23 and Me that do testing to identify health factors as well. My sister recently gifted me a 23 and Me testing kit so I may do a review of that after the new year as well!

4. Donate to a Charity in their name


I am unsure about you, but, I love helping people. I participate in apps like Charity Miles where I donate money by simply walking. I crochet for babies in the NICU and for the homeless, and since I have been getting into minimalism I have been frequently donating my items to those in need! Knowing that some good will is done in their name is sure to put a warm smile on their face!

5. Edibles


Everyone needs to eat! If you know what they eat a lot of: Nutella, dried fruit, chocolate, peanut butter, etc. It is easy to make them a basket of their favorite treats! These make a great stocking stuffer too! HINT HINT!

Well I hope you enjoyed the BEST MINIMALIST GIFT LIST EVER! It is short and sweet but really many examples could be listed under each one. Remember, it never hurts to ask someone what they want as well. Minimalist’s like to have items that will last for a long time, it can never hurt to put some money towards an item they need.

Have a wonderful holiday and take care!



Bonjour my friends,

Today’s post is a rather sad one… About 2 weeks ago me and my significant other (MR) have decided to go our separate ways in life. This decision was not easy to make and was rather made for me. The relationship had turned abusive and toxic to say the least. Leading me to leaving for the best interest in my life.

This is why I haven’t posted anything lately. I am trying to take care of myself, even though I am not sure which way is up or who I am anymore.

I used to be a strong, independent, and adventurous girl. But, now I feel like I am dreaming my way through the day… Going through the motions in someone else body. Definitely not how I imagined it would be graduating university.

I spend my days in this complacent schedule of work, TV, crochet, youtube, sleep, and repeat. I have lived a lot of life for my 22 years and I know this is depression. Do not fear lovelies, I am seeking help… Hopefully soon I will be my normal self… But it will just take time.

Abuse isn’t always black eyes, and emotional girls. I like to think I kept myself together on the outside through the whole ordeal.

For example:


In the picture above, my knee had been dislocated horribly making it hard (even now) to walk on or stand on. Also, my lip was busted in this picture. If, you follow me on Instagram, you know this picture received a lot of likes, the same for my personal Facebook. No one knew.

That being said, if you know anyone who may be experiencing abuse be there for them. You don’t have to demand they leave and yell at them to do so. They know they should. But love can be hard and can make you crazy. Take them out to eat, invite them to go shopping, go to see a movie, or watch Netflix with them. Just letting them you are there and that they can stay with you. The hardest thing is thinking you have absolutely no where to go when you are going through this turmoil and difficult time.

I cut my hair by the way!


I needed a change. I liked my long hair well enough, but with all the changes in my life at the moment I needed to change something I had control of.
Yes, that is the scarf I was working on in a previous post. I will post a finished picture soon.

This post is probably choppy and does not make much sense. But, that is just how my brain is anymore, not enough noise and too much racket.

I am living with my dad now, so I don’t have a space of my own at the moment. Which makes it hard to craft, not including everything else. I hope to post more soon.

I have an interview to teach abroad in Japan with the AMITY company tomorrow! Wish me luck!

If anyone out there is struggling with abuse, it is not your fault… believe me. You can find help, it will get better in time. You are your biggest commitment and therefore have to take care of yourself first.

Kind wishes in the comments would be appreciated!

I love you all.

The Blue Room

Hello love!

Back home at my mom’s today to celebrate my graduation! I did it! I now have my BA of Elementary Education. Now, on to the next step; teaching abroad maybe?

My mom’s house has a blue living room. The blue room.

It is perfect. The color is so vibrant and calming. Makes me want to travel to some blue waters! 

That is all for now folks! 

If you know any good teaching abroad blogs or opportunities let me know in the comments! 


Motivational Monday


I am just about to graduate college (this Saturday) so I took the weekend off to spend time with the main one and relax. But, today is Monday! The beginning of the week! So we have to start it off right with a Motivational Monday! Let’s get this week headed in the right direction!

First, I wanna share a picture with you all.

Above, is a crocheted infinity scarf in the process using my own pattern using a bobble stitch. 

My mother taught me how to crochet when I was young. I have always been interested in crafts. My mother could not sew, but she could crochet and embroider like no one else. She passed both of these trades on to me. Both of which I enjoy very much. 

My mom basically raised me and my older sister herself, even before my parents divorced my dad worked strange hours and went out with friends. Leaving all three of us to spend time together. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I always have been and always will be closer to my mom. 

While, I was out and about I saw this box of fun!

This is a kit from the company Seedling. (Not endorsed) that has things inside of it such as: cards, balloon boat, drawing book, dominos, etc.. All things you could do with someone. The pack is geared towards more little ones. However, anyone could use this! I think it could be a fun date night box or a rainy day box. 

To tie my mother and this pack together. When I was in college I became really sick. Most of it had to do with anxiety and mental illness. My mother being the Wonder Woman she is, made me a box. A calm box if you would. It contained: coloring books she made, crayons, a toy, a small craft kit, a stress reliever, a stuffed animal, and some snacks. I’m sure there was more but these things stand out. I had one box at school and one at home for when I came home on weekends. This box really helped and made me feel better and loved. 

Making these boxes are easy. You can go to the nearest dollar store and gather supplies. That is where my mother got the toy, stuffed animal, and craft kit. There is someone in your life who could use one it may even be yourself. Winter is coming where I am and in many places. I imagine the elderly would love to have a busy box of sorts. It could even be a wonderful Christmas present. 

There are an extraordinary amount of people out there who struggle with anxiety and other issues. We have to remember that just because your brain doesn’t work like theirs doesn’t make what they are going through any less real and terrifying. Your body is going against itself it seems.

If you know someone who could benefit from a box such as the pack above make them one. Also, if you haven’t talked to your mom or whoever is your mother figure in a while, call her, shoot her a text. 

We have to take care of one another or else nothing is going to get better, it’s really not. 

Transformation Tuesday 

This post is SUPER late, it is almost Wednesday where I live! But, I needed to share with you my vintage formal dress for my transformation Tuesday. 
Stare in amazement:

It is a vintage black formal gown with gold, black, and silver beading on the top that stops at the natural waist. 

In its full glory:

This marvellous piece of clothing was given to me by a family member in great condition! All it needed as a few extra beads added on, some re-stitching of the hem where it has been stepped on and ripped out, and finally some adjustments to the elastic that helps hold the dress up.

This dress is by far one of my favorite finds and pieces! It is by far more stellar in person! I mean who can go wrong with a black dress?! 

If you enjoyed this thrifty find and want to see more hit up that like button and follow me!

Stay thrifty my friends!

Motivational Monday

Hello world,

I hope you all are having a lovely Monday wherever you are! Mondays are normally the hardest day of the week, coming off the weekend, getting back in the swing of things, and nothing goes as planned on a Monday! 

So I decided to share a little bit of inspiration/motivation with you all today.

While on a trip with my other half we stopped at a small farm along the country side. Since it was getting into the fall the crops had mostly been harvested and the field was barren. Everything look dead. 

However, near the field was one stalk of flowers growing amount the nothing. It grew inspite of everything going on around it. Now he being the romantic he is picked this flower for me, to remember our day together. 

I just want to leave with you the simple fact that you are strong, you are beautiful, you are wanted, and you will grow inspite of your environment. You are just like this flower. Perfect. 

Please be kind to yourself, and one another, regardless.

– M

DIY Large pearl Bobby Pins

I hope you all are all enjoying the start of your summers! I do not know if everyone is off for summer holiday yet, but if you are not it should be around the corner. Unless you live in the southern hemisphere and are about to start winter. Maybe I should do a winter in summer DIY for those of you on the southern hemisphere. What do you think?

Today is another hair accessory DIY, I will be showing you how to make THE EASIEST hair accessories EVER! And they look gorgeous in your hair which is a big plus.

For this DIY you will us a glue gun! We all love our easy peasy glue gun DIY’s, I know I do.

In all honesty you could get all the items necessary at a local dollar store which makes this a wonderful Dollar Store craft!
This DIY cost me in all about a dollar. There is no reason not to make this DIY!

Without further ado let’s get started!

Large Pearl Bobby Pins

What you will need: 

– Bobby Pins
– Pearl Beads (mine came out of a dollar bag from Wal-Mart)
– Glue Gun

1. Gather your materials.
2. Add some glue to the end of your bobby pin.
3. Press your pearl bead onto the glue.


4. Let dry completely.
5. WEAR!


I have simply put them into a bun as you can see here.


And you can wear as many or as few as you want!


I hope you all enjoyed this DIY! If you did please be sure to like, share, pin, and tweet about us with your friends!
If you make your own pearl bobby pins please be sure to post it on twitter and use the hash-tag #collegechicpearlbobbypins so I can see your beautiful works!

Do you think making your own hair accessories are better than purchasing them from a store? Let me know in the comments below!
Have a good summer all!

Find of The Day

Hey there gorgeous!

Today, I went out to dinner with my main squeeze. I’m eyeballing you MR. Anyway, while out eating I was looking around at the shop and found these adorable little containers. 

Aren’t they pretty?! I may be biased, considering yellow and pearls are just a few of my favourite things. They look almost vintage as well which is another win in my book! 

What do you think about these guys? 

Like, share, and comment! 

See you soon! 


Hello lovelies!

So, today I completed the ritual and went Black Friday shopping. I did not see anything I really needed or wanted this year in the stores. However, the MR. loves gaming so I decided to take him to Game Stop to check out their sale.

He was really wanting a shirt that said, “Make America Game Again”. Although, by the time we arrive, around 11:00 our time; they were already sold out. So sad.
Alas, I made up for it by getting him this mystery FUNKO box! It has two POP figures inside and two smaller blind box figures. There was a chance you could get a rare GOLD POP figure inside as well.

Game Stop also had their World of Warcraft blind figurines on sale as well for like $1.47 so I got him two of those as well!

Now, if you know anything about me, I LOVE SURPRISES! I love mystery blind boxes, and things of the sort. So really this gift was a win on my part as well!

We didn’t get the gold figurine. However I think we got some cool things!

Check it!


In our FUNKO box we received a large yellow Power Ranger (my personal favorite Power Ranger) He looks more gold in real life however, his paint is more metallic. He is cool! Also we received THE ENCHANTRESS!!! MY FAVORITE!! I squealed when we opened her. She is just too cool for everything!
Inside the FUNKO box there were also two blind Five Nights at Freddy’s bags. One has a metallic silver robotic looking Foxy. The other one we have no idea what character it is! It is super cute little white sad ghosty-goo! Sadly, I am not familiar with Five Nights at Freddy’s other than the main characters. So if you know who that little guy is PLEASE let me know in the comments! I would appreciate it!


On to the World of Warcraft figures, we got King Llane Wrynn and Lady Taria Wrynn. Husband and wife in the Warcraft movie. Which the MR. and I went to see when it came out. Getting them seemed like a perfect way to end our shopping day.

I hope you enjoyed seeing my Black Friday Haul!
If you want to see more blind boxes/bags in the future and maybe a GIVEAWAY! Please like this post and comment!

Don’t forget if you know the name of the little guy above comment it below!

Be sure to check blushingflora on Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr!

Catch ya’ later!




Hello my DIY lovelies!

I have made a hard but executive decision to merge DIY college chic with my new blog Blushing Flora. That blog will not only focus on my crafts and other hobbies but also traveling and my life which I have until recently kept personal.
I hope you all will welcome this change and direct yourself to the new improved Blushing Flora Blog.

Head on over and let me know what you think! I am so excited to begin this new open adventure with you all! I hope you all will enjoy this change as well!

See you soon!